This set of wooden toys is inspired by a short story collection Tales from long ago based on Slavic mythology written by the acclaimed children's author Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. “Toys from long ago” are not only intended for children, but are also a very distinct souvenir with potential of evolving into a series of collectible items for anyone. The system is based on 3D illustrations of the original characters from eight stories, but also open enough to let the users create their own characters and stories using the same logic, but upgrading a typical positive-negative character distinction into new extra types: humans, animals, chimeras and magical beings.
Designer: Niko Crnčević
Mentor: prof. Mladen Orešić
Assistents: doc. Sanja Bencetić
doc. Ivana Fabrio
Mentor: prof. Mladen Orešić
Assistents: doc. Sanja Bencetić
doc. Ivana Fabrio
Faculty of Architecture - School of Design
Masters programme
2013 / 2014