Noctilucae is a name this product shares with a family of glowing algae, the creatures that inspired it. Noctilucae was made as a project for the fifth semester in School of Design in Zagreb, in collaboration with Ferropreis foundry from Čakovec.
It is a hybrid between an light installation and ambient lighting. The product is actually a module (35x45 cm) in the shape of an irregular pentagon. This shape allows tesselation within infinite combinations of any size. This way of arranging the elements gives an incredible feel of something living and breathing on the wall, like a bioluminescent creature that took over the long forgotten wall. The cool blue light comes from LED tubes, which is a very efficient and eco friendly solution, but also durable and long living, having a really low impact on the light pollution problem, currently present in any larger city.

Although because of the cast iron it is possible to place the lighting system in exteriors and interiors alike, cast iron is also very efficient not only when faced with weather, but also vandalism. This is another way of using this product, when considering the entire city community instead of just one household, it has the ability to transform abandoned and forgotten public spaces into interesting places with a new, more social life.