Newton Concept Photography
In Newton, photography is one of the main expressive elements. It is always the first choice in visual storytelling. It should be preferred over illustration or photomontages. High quality photographic assets used in our materials can be licensed or created by Newton, but they all follow the same principles and carry the Newton DNA, making it timeless and fresh.

Our photos convey reality, real situations, and the world in its beauty, so situations that look posed (unless for group photos), fake, or heavily edited are avoided. They spark curiosity and wonder, but maintain a concise, scientific trait in colour grading. Therefore, our photography is usually in colder tones with warm accents, fitting into the Newton colour palette as much as possible. The content of Newton photography is exciting and fills the frame with living moments of activities between real people, teachers, students, partners, audience, as well as Newton’s technical achievements by themselves. Newton and partner branding is not hidden or cropped out of journalistic photography when used in marketing. Heavily edited images or unrealistic photomontages are avoided.
To be avoided

Simply put, the joy of mastering STEM can’t be conveyed by a stock or generated photo, and Photoshop can never compare to a pattern found in nature. Keywords to look for are: joy, STEM, activity, diversity, togetherness, interesting details, nature, technology, Newton DNA. More information about the Newton DNA and its application to photography can be found in the Newton Identity Guidelines
Briefing for external photographers
When external photographers and videographers are hired, they are given this short briefing about the organisation and our preferred visual style to maintain consistency within the Newton Concept globally. If necessary for bigger projects, more information or full Identity Guidelines are provided.
Here is a selection of our favourite photos used throughout the concept:

Creative Team (2003-2024):
Rigmor Angler, Marte Antonsen, Linda Brunstad, Niko Crnčević, Stian André Olsen, Sebastian Siggerud
Rigmor Angler, Marte Antonsen, Linda Brunstad, Niko Crnčević, Stian André Olsen, Sebastian Siggerud
Read more about Newton and FIRST Scandinavia
©Newton Concept • FIRST Scandinavia • All rights reserved
Additional creative assets: Adobe Stock, Unsplash