This project was made for my Diploma in Industrial Design in 2015. After extensive research of interaction with designed objects we own, the goal was to build a system of products that through use tells a story and shift the users perspective of the objects they own. To design emotion into an inanimate object, be it trust, frustration, or closeness.

chapter 1 / salt and pepper shakers / attraction & superiority
In contrast to elegant aesthetic, the size and placement of the holes on the top and the construction make it more difficult to use than a regular plain salt and pepper shakers. The objects is asking for more than it is willing to offer.

chapter 2 / flower vase / aesthetics and honesty
The vase lies about what it actually is. It can only fit a single flower and if filled to a point it tips over. This object questions aesthetics over function when the object plays by it's own rules. If we accept the salt and pepper shakers for their looks, why not the vase too?

chapter 3 / amorphous object / function and integration
An object with no apparent use or aesthetic, other than drawing attention to itself. It consists of pillow-like and wooden forms connected by elastic ropes. This object asks the user if it can find use in it, be it even only aesthetic, questioning the kitsch objects we surround ourselves with.

chapter 4 / calendar / usefulness and routine
Are we ready to allow a routine around an object that offers better function? The table calendar allows physical representation of time with it's grooves allowing for post-its and letters to be placed on a real date. In return, the calendar asks to buld a routine of moving the pointer every day.

chapter 5 / pillow / unaesthetics and function
Object with unattractive aesthetic but superior function. The body pillow can wrap and fold over to create perfect support, while looking like a sick animal. It asks if the function can overpower function if both are extreme.

chapter 6 / brush / importance of every object
The object to put focus on the small and unimportant objects in our lives. Material and ergonomics give it more significance and the fact that it is the only brush that can clean the vase tells the story of how we build systems around us.

chapter 7 / cabinet / importance of a single object
The cabinet is intended to build a friendship with the user. It unlocks by putting four fingers in the drawer and has a false bottom that can hide the user's secrets if the user knows it well and trusts it. Aesthetically, it is sturdy, long lasting and holds a pose of a beloved pet. If there is mutual trust it becomes a trusted companion.

The project was mentored by Mladen Orešić and comentored by Ivana Fabrio in 2015 on University of Architecture - School of Design in Zagreb.
The renderings were made by Vedran Erceg a night before the presentation when my computer gave up, for which I am forever in his debt.