This redesign of the classic coffee maker was made on the second year of School of design. After a long and exhausting research on the subject it was decided to go in the direction of simplification. The redesign should be smaller and more compact, with a simple and neutral feel to it, as simple as possible to use, and as cheap as possible to produce.

The fact that the insides of the machine are nothing more then a few plastic and metal tubes opened a whole new perspective on the subject. Bulky and heavily styled coffee makers are made like that just so they would look like more advanced technology than it really is. The whole base of the machine can be just a "shelf" for the coffee pot. Only the elements that user interacts with are visually given more attention on the top of the machine.

The filter was "culturally adapted" as many people in Croatia are reluctant to use this kind of coffee machine because it does not give coffee as strong as when cooked in a pot. So the filter was made smaller, with such an angle to it so the coffee grind is closer together and the water passes longer until it reaches the filtering paper, giving a stronger taste to the coffee. All in all, this is a cofee machine that makes good coffee and leaves the user alone, nothing more, nothing less.